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How to Auto Update Footer Copyright Year in WordPress Website

There are a few different ways you can automatically update the copyright year in the footer of your WordPress website. One option is to use a plugin like “Easy Digital Downloads – Yearly Archive.” This plugin will automatically update the copyright year in your footer to the current year.

Another option is to use a shortcode in your footer.php file. To do this, you will need to add the following code to your footer.php file:

<p>Copyright [year] [site_title]</p>

This will display the current year and the title of your website in the copyright footer.

You can also use a simple PHP function to automatically update the copyright year in your footer. To do this, you will need to add the following code to your footer.php file:

<p>Copyright <?php echo date("Y"); ?> [site_title]</p>

This will display the current year in the copyright footer.

Finally, you can use a widget to display the copyright year in your footer. To do this, go to Appearance > Widgets in your WordPress dashboard and add the “Text” widget to your footer widget area. Then, you can enter the following code in the widget:

<p>Copyright [year] [site_title]</p>

This will display the current year and the title of your website in the copyright footer.

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