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How to add a “favorite” feature to your WordPress site

To add a “favorite” feature to your WordPress site, you can either use a plugin or write custom code. Here are the steps to do this using a plugin:

1. Install and activate the WP Favorite Posts plugin. This plugin allows users to bookmark their favorite posts, pages, and custom post types.

2. After activating the plugin, a new “Favorites” menu will appear in your WordPress dashboard. Go to “Favorites > Settings” to configure the plugin’s settings.

3. In the plugin settings, you can choose which post types to enable the favorite feature for and customize the text and appearance of the favorite button.

4. To display the favorite button on your site, you can use the wpfp_link function in your theme’s template files. For example, you could add the following code to your single.php file to display the favorite button on single post pages:

if ( function_exists( 'wpfp_link' ) ) {

5. Users can then click the favorite button to bookmark a post, and view their favorite posts by visiting the “Favorites” page on your site.

Alternatively, you can write custom code to add a favorite feature to your WordPress site. This would involve creating a custom database table to store the favorite data, and writing functions to add and remove posts from the favorites list. You would then need to add a button or link to your site’s templates to allow users to favorite posts, and a page or widget to display their favorite posts.

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